‘Joey Pants,’ as he is affectionately known, is a masterful character as seen in “Risky Business,” “The Goonies,” “La Bamba,” “Midnight Run,” “Bad Boys I and II,” “Empire of the Sun,” “The Fugitive,” “The Matrix,” “Memento,” “Daredevil” and, finally, his portrayal of the eccentric mobster Ralphie Cifaretto in HBO’s landmark series “The Sopranos,” won him a 2003 Primetime Emmy Award. Â
 On December 7, 2010 the Hoboken, Edward A. Dalton Boys & Girls Club will host their 13th Annual fundraiser, “An Evening with Two Guys from Hoboken,” honoring the efforts of the neighborhood’s own Joe Pantoliano and Rich Pèpe. In collaboration with Hoboken’s oldest restaurant, event sponsor “Leo’s Grandesvous,” the duo will cook a family style Italian dinner for guests using Pèpe & Pants Pasta Sauce.  Also another neighborhood famous business, Carlos Bakery known for the home of the CAKE BOSS will be donating their famous cake for the evening’s event.  This family style event will raise funds to support the community’s youth development programs, as well as Pantoliano’s No Kidding, Me Too! NKM2 is Pantoliano’s own non-profit organization is dedicated to removing the stigma associated with mental illness. All of the profits from Pèpe & Pants Pasta sauce is donated to NKM2. Continue reading BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS HONOR JOE PANTOLIANO WITH THE HELP OF THE CAKE BOSS AT “AN EVENING WITH TWO GUYS FROM HOBOKEN†→