Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that the City of Bayonne website has added a link to obituaries provided by five local funeral homes. Mayor Davis said, “Later this week, the Jersey Journal will go out of business. As a result, there will be no English-language daily newspaper based in Hudson County. Obituaries have been an important feature of the Jersey Journal and other newspapers for generations.”

Mayor Davis continued, “To make up for the coming absence of local newspaper obituaries, the City of Bayonne has contacted local funeral homes, offering to provide links to their obituaries on our municipal website, www.bayonnenj.org.” The obituary link feature will be available through a grey-and-white heading on the right-hand side of the City of Bayonne website homepage.
As of Monday, January 27, five local funeral homes have provided the City of Bayonne with links to their obituaries. Those funeral homes are Bayonne Memorial Home, Caiola Stellato and Koch Funeral Home, Dworzanski and Son Funeral Home, Migliaccio Funeral Home and Cremation Services, and West Funeral Home and Cremation Services LLC. Mayor Davis said, “We would like to thank these five funeral homes for participating in this new obituary program. We would welcome the participation of other local funeral homes in this obituary link service.” He invited other local funeral homes to email the appropriate link to their obituaries to [email protected] or [email protected].