Early risers will begin the day at 6 a.m. by following the Waterfront Walk around Caven Point to look for migrating warblers and shorebirds. The route is roughly two miles, with a flat and paved surface.
Those who wish to sleep later will meet at 9 a.m. and bird their way to the northern sections of the park, stopping for lunch and conversation. The guided walk will wrap up in the early to mid-afternoon, but participants are free to stay later. The trail includes roughly a mile of crushed gravel on a flat but uneven surface.
Advance registration is required. To register online, go to www.njconservation.org/event/liberty-state-park-big-day-of-birding/. For more information, contact feministbirdclub.jc@gmail.com or [email protected].
Last year’s Big Day at Liberty State Park drew more than 50 participants, who together counted 78 bird species. “We had so much fun at last year’s Big Day that we decided to do it again,” said Lynch. “We’re looking forward to spotting as many birds as we can, and introducing new participants to birding.”
About New Jersey Conservation Foundation
New Jersey Conservation Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide organization devoted to preserving land and protecting nature throughout New Jersey’s rural, suburban, and urban landscapes for the benefit of all. Since 1960, we have preserved more than 140,000 acres of open space, farmland, and parks. We also manage 17 nature preserves, conduct public outreach and education programs, and advocate for sensible land use and climate policies that will protect the health of New Jersey communities for generations to come. For more information, visit www.njconservation.org or email [email protected].
About the Feminist Bird Club of Jersey City
The Feminist Bird Club is dedicated to promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, the BIPOC community, and women to connect with the natural world. The Feminist Bird Club was founded in New York City by Molly Adams in 2016 and later expanded to include new chapters, including one in Jersey City. For more information, go to www.feministbirdclub.org/.