Tag Archives: classical music

MUSIC -If You Play It, They Will Come – Union City Chamber Players Enchant Local Audiences with Classics

By Sally Deering


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne of the great things about living in Hudson besides its close proximity to Manhattan is the community of artists who reside here and share their talents. Dancers, actors, singers, musicians, visual artists – you name it! – lots of creative folks who perform professionally call Hudson home and some even find time in their busy schedules to share their talents with local audiences, like the musical artists who call themselves the Union City Chamber Players.


Union City Chamber Players (L-to-R) Pianist Marina Korsakova-Kreyn, Violinist Peter Borten and Vocalist Bernadette LaFond

Violinist Peter Borten; mezzo-soprano Bernadette LaFond; and pianist Marina Korsakova-Kreyn are Union City residents and professional musicians who banded together to share their love for classical musical and their talents as classical musicians. At St. John’s Episcopal Church in Union City, recently, the trio presented a classical program, a “Love Concert” that featured Gounod’s “Ave Maria”; Mozart’s violin sonata K.526; French love songs by Faure and Massenet; Strauss’s “Stiller Gang” and Rachmaninoff’s “In the Silence of the Secret Night”. Continue reading MUSIC -If You Play It, They Will Come – Union City Chamber Players Enchant Local Audiences with Classics

Carnegie Hall “Just Too Marvelous For Words” For Two Talented Youngsters From Bayonne, New Jersey

carneigehallpicture” Just Too Marvelous For Words” was how two talented youngsters from Bayonne where feeling after being two of the one hundred performers from sixteen states to join Camp Broadway in A Johnny Mercer Centennial Concert on Friday Nov 20 at Carnegie Hall. 

 Taylor Purzycki, Horace Mann and Marc Wright, School 14 students have had the chance to personally experience and perform Johnny Mercer’s music this week at Carnegie Hall. The Mercer concert is the latest event celebrating the late, great lyricist and composer. Continue reading Carnegie Hall “Just Too Marvelous For Words” For Two Talented Youngsters From Bayonne, New Jersey