Tag Archives: jazz

Hoboken’s Newest Wrangler of DIY Music, Dance and Visual Culture, Presents a Showcase of Local Talent

Saturday, November 6th and Sunday November 7th from 12-6pm, 2010

artistsstudiotour2010posterfinal1 The Benson Ridge Project, a relative newcomer in the Hoboken music scene, has organized a schedule of local talent to perform for the 2010 Hoboken Artist’s Studio Tour at Green Mountain Coffee.

Something for Everyone

Joining the annual Hoboken Artist’s Studio Tour for the first time, Benson Ridge, aka Al Festa has organized two jam packed days of live performances and workshops featuring jazz, rock, blues, county folk, tango dance demonstrations and a visual art exhibition featuring the paintings of Santiago Cohen and Anthony Dinallo at Green Mountain Coffee, 302 Monroe Street in Hoboken New Jersey 07030.  All performances are free. Refreshments will be donated by our generous sponsors.


Continue reading Hoboken’s Newest Wrangler of DIY Music, Dance and Visual Culture, Presents a Showcase of Local Talent

Carnegie Hall “Just Too Marvelous For Words” For Two Talented Youngsters From Bayonne, New Jersey

carneigehallpicture” Just Too Marvelous For Words” was how two talented youngsters from Bayonne where feeling after being two of the one hundred performers from sixteen states to join Camp Broadway in A Johnny Mercer Centennial Concert on Friday Nov 20 at Carnegie Hall. 

 Taylor Purzycki, Horace Mann and Marc Wright, School 14 students have had the chance to personally experience and perform Johnny Mercer’s music this week at Carnegie Hall. The Mercer concert is the latest event celebrating the late, great lyricist and composer. Continue reading Carnegie Hall “Just Too Marvelous For Words” For Two Talented Youngsters From Bayonne, New Jersey