Tag Archives: Jersey City Art Scene


Hudson County Art Supply building on Newark Avenue and Coles Street, has this mural on it's wall painted by Ron English, Big Foot and Jason Maloney creating  a whimsical mural depicting a wide-eyed child in shorts and T-shirt emblazoned with an upside-down peace sign.


By Sally Deering

 International street artists like “Big Foot,” “Kid Zoom,” Jason Maloney and Ron English travel the globe creating art on the urban landscape. The artists – all world renown – paint murals on big concrete canvases like bridges, embankment walls and building facades that draw tourists, bring ka-ching to a city’s coffers and transform dilapidated structures into works of art. And because they’re painted on concrete walls, the artists’ works can’t be bought or sold or compete with the gallery sales of their paintings, so they do it all for free.


A rare glimpse of world known street artist "Kid Zoom" painting the the 139 Wall in Jersey City.Photo by The Jersey City Street Art Initiative
A rare glimpse of world known street artist "Kid Zoom" painting one of  the 139 Wall in Jersey City.Photo by The Jersey City Street Art Initiative

The Jersey City Street Art Initiative is like many public art happenings taking place in cities around the world. English, a Jersey City resident, worked with several street artists on a “Separation Wall” in Palestine and just returned from Miami, Florida where he was invited by real estate mogul Tony Goldwyn to create murals in a neighborhood of broken-down buildings to help transform it into a hip and happening hub of homes and restaurants. (Back in the day, Goldwyn initiated the transformation of Soho in New York City from a neighborhood of abandoned warehouses into a hip and thriving upscale arts district.) Continue reading WALL ART-INTERNATIONAL STREET ARTISTS TURN JERSEY CITY BLIGHT INTO PRICELESS ART

Art Views- The Fine Art of Carl Ellis

carl-ellis-camouflageJersey City Artist subject of this month’s -Art Views

Carl Ellis was born and raised in Erie Pennsylvania and earned his BFA in photography, at Edinboro University in 1991. He moved to New York City in 1992.

Camera in hand, he had hopes of becoming a commercial photographer.

Continue reading Art Views- The Fine Art of Carl Ellis

The 2nd Annual Village Art & Flea Market Held on Saturday May 15th Brings Out Huge Crowd

River View Observer Photographer Captures the Event on Cameramay-2010-4th-st-festivalmay-2010-4th-st-festival-7may-2010-4th-st-festival-8-painer


On Saturday, May 15th The Village Neighborhood Association, with the support of 4th Street Arts,  hosted The 2nd Annual Village Art & Flea Market. A few thousand people came out to shop and mingle…

Taking place at the crossroads of 4th Street, Newark Avenue and Brunswick Street, the event featured an array of local artists’ works, the finest up-and-coming bands New Jersey has to offer, and delicious food from local vendors.

See more photos of the day… Continue reading The 2nd Annual Village Art & Flea Market Held on Saturday May 15th Brings Out Huge Crowd

Art Views-Jersey City Museum presents Adult Workshops at JCM

River View Observer Best Pick -Artists

Select Saturday afternoons starting March 20, 2010, 1 – 4 p.m.

$5 per person for members. $7 per person for non-members.

Pre-registration required.  Call 201-413-0303 x116 or email [email protected]  to register.


jcm-jen-mazza                                                                                                      Jennifer Mazza, 2009

Jersey City Museum is proud to announce the new schedule for Adult Workshops at JCM, which was postponed from the original February start date due to snow. In this series of three workshops, participants will explore the museum’s current exhibitions, have the opportunity to learn art-making techniques and discuss issues in contemporary art with professional artists in a small-group setting.  Continue reading Art Views-Jersey City Museum presents Adult Workshops at JCM

Art Views- Emerging Artist Johnny Pens

johnny-pens-new-art“Johnny Pens”johnny-pens

By Evelyn Bonilla

 Emerging new artist John Marto aka “Johnny Pens” is unique and very talented; his ability to create cartoon drawings with the use of color pens is amazing as it is impressive. An artist in the downtown Jersey City area, Pens, inception into his art began by making small circles and lines on regular paper. As Pens recalls it, it began as just simple doodling on the Path train, but later turned into an assortment of cartoon characters.johnny-marto-artwork-2

He went from drawing on the Path train to drawing in front of his home, which would soon gather an audience of children as well as adults; they would stop in front of his home during the summer to view him as he drew. Pens began to sketch these lively cartoon characters on manila folders, and with each drawing he captured more and more detail. Framed and displayed they are artistry at its finest.

Continue reading Art Views- Emerging Artist Johnny Pens

Artist Ron English, Jason Maloney and Bigfoot kick off work on New Mural in Downtown, Jersey City


  From L-R) City Council President Mariano Vega, Ward E candidate Guy Catrillo, Mayor Jerramiah Healy, Bigfoot, Ron English and Jason Maloney

Downtown Jersey City got a splash of color on Tuesday when artists Jason Maloney, Bigfoot and Ron English kicked off work on a new mural at Hudson County Art Supply. This project, the first in a proposed series of murals to be painted by well-known local and national artists throughout the city, is part of a citizen effort to make the municipality a destination for contemporary art. To Read more on this article visit:

Jersey City Independent