The Print in Question!
Who is the Artist?
When was it painted ?
Does it have any financial Value?
 Who else has a print? Only 250 prints were made Number 80 is in my posession.
By Joe Calamito
Many years ago while rummaging through the downtown Jersey City Salvation Army on 14th Street I came across the above print. I was intrigued by its subject matter-a little girl with blonde hair pulling a toy duck on a string while her mother or guardian stares at a fountain, perhaps in France. My own mother had passed away a few years earlier in 1994 and the print reminded me of how she would always take me to Hamilton Park in Jersey City. I paid $20 dollars for the print and it has shared a prominent place on the walls of our homes for the past 15 years or more. I love it! Continue reading Unraveling An Art Mystery…