Bayonne-Mayor’s Corner-Mayor James Davis-Turnpike Bridge Update

Cleaning Litter

          Last week, the City of Bayonne took part in a meeting with Coast Guard and Turnpike officials about the historic impact of the proposed reconstruction of the Turnpike between Exit 14 and Jersey City.  

          The Turnpike Authority proposes replacing the existing Newark Bay Turnpike Extension Bridge with two new bridges with four lanes in each direction.  The reconstruction will also include improved earthquake protection for the new bridges, improvements in the exit/entrance area, and the creation of new stormwater collection systems.  The plan calls for starting construction on the work between Exits 14 and 14A in 2026.  The goal would be to open the new Newark Bay bridges by 2031.

          The existing Newark Bay Bridge is getting worn down.  According to the Turnpike Authority, environmental factors and heavy truck traffic have caused serious damage to the quality of the bridge.  During the meeting, the Turnpike Authority presented photos that demonstrated the effects of wear and tear on the structure. We have to recognize that the bridge is almost seventy years old.  It is not in good enough shape to handle modern traffic volume for very much longer.  Yet another patch job will not solve the bridge’s problems.

          As is required by law, the Turnpike Authority is making serious efforts to protect historic properties and archeological sites along the route of the bridge and the roadway.  While preparing for construction, the Turnpike is working to respect Native American sites, the route of the former Morris Canal, railroad properties, and other historic resources along the way. 

The City of Bayonne has requested to receive some pieces of the bridge’s span that could be displayed here after it is demolished.  That would be a way to preserve some artifacts from the existing bridge while supporting vitally important Turnpike improvements. 

          The City of Bayonne will make additional progress by continuing to work with the Turnpike Authority on this extremely important project.