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Hudson County Community College Announces Speakers for 2010-2011 Lecture Series

Line-up includes higher education leader Dr. Terry O’Banion, terryobanion

actor/activist Edward James Olmosedward-james-olmos

renowned author/intellect Cornel Westcornell-west

and TV journalist/producer Juju Chang


Photos: source Bing.com

 JERSEY CITY, N.J. / September 1, 2010 – Although they are from very different walks of life, each of the four speakers slated to appear in the Hudson County Community College 2010-2011 Lecture Series has worked to improve life and has acted as inspiration for thousands.

The series begins on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 with the appearance of Dr. Terry O’Banion, Director of the Community College Leadership Program at Walden University.


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