The Bayonne Police Department Rescheduled the Vehicle Auction until Tuesday, March 21 announced
Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis The Vehicle Auction is being held at 9:30 a.m., at the Bayonne Police Pound, 330 Hook Road, in Bayonne. The vehicles that will be featured at the auction came into the possession of the Police Department as a result of abandonment or failure of owners to claim them. The vehicles scheduled to be auctioned on Tuesday, March 21, will be available for inspection by prospective bidders on Monday, March 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Bayonne Police Pound.
This auction was scheduled originally for March 14, but was postponed, due to inclement winter weather on that date.
The Police Department advises prospective buyers that all of the vehicles are in used condition. They may be inoperable, may be missing parts, may require repairs, or may have defects that re not readily apparent. Each item is being offered as is. The minimum bid price shall be $200 per vehicle unless otherwise specified. One vehicle listed for the auction has a minimum bid price of $6,000. An additional fee of $2 for a junk title certificate shall be charged for each vehicle being auctioned.
Buyers must pay in full, either in cash or by certified check, at the time of sale. Buyers must remove the purchased vehicles from the pound no later than three days after the date of sale. The purchase of any vehicle not removed from the pound after three days following the sale may be declared void, and the monies paid by the successful bidder would be forfeited.
The Police Department expects thirty-five vehicles to be available at the auction. The Bayonne Police Department reserves the right to withdraw any of the vehicles from the sale. This sale of motor vehicles bars all claims of interest in said motor vehicles except for the purchasers. The Police Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids for the vehicles. In the event of the last-minute addition of new items to the auction, any terms or conditions applying to their sale at auction would be announced.
The auction scheduled by the Police Department for March 21 is the third such event planned for 2017. The Bayonne Police Department holds such auctions from time to time. Other police auctions that may take place in 2017 would be announced as events may warrant.