Gail Godesky-Publicity Chair & Sponsorship Chair Speaks to Bayonne City Council on Behalf of the American Cancer Society -Bayonne 2010 Relay for LifeÂ
At a recent Bayonne City Council meeting Gail Godesky Publicity Chairwoman & Sponsorship Chair for the American Cancer Society’s -Relay for Life addressed the Bayonne City Council in asking for the fee to be waived for the use of Ahern’s Veteran Stadium in Bayonne for the 201o Bayonne Relay For Life -which is tentatively scheduled for June 11- 12th, 2010
In her address to the Bayonne City Council, Ms. Godesky had this to say after addressing each of the council-members in attendance…
 “My name is Gail Godesky; I am born and raised in a great city-Bayonne. As some of you know my sister Lori Starke passed away at 49 years old on February 22nd, 2008 and my mom Lorraine Godesky at the age of 77 passed away February 17th, 2009 from the terrible disease we call cancer for lack of a better word and from a disease that kills and not quietly but rather angrily.
Cancer shows no preference-it has struck old, young, mothers, father’s, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and dear friends.
Since the passing of my family members I have been very involved in the American Cancer Society and the Relay for Life. Our team is called the EVERYDAY ANGELS.
Ms. Godesky then asked the American Cancer Society members to stand who were in attendance of the meeting and then stated that she was there to ask for special consideration of the Bayonne City Council by saying…
“Now in 2010 we are asking for the fee to again be waived. $6800 could be what we pay to use Ahern’s Veteran Stadium…or it could be used to pay for expenses for 2 patients to stay at Hope Lodge for a day, and for 1 patients to participate in and American Cancer Society funded clinical trial, and reach to recovery visits for 5 women, and 8 round trips for 1 patient via the road to rec0very program. It could help fund the DNA research in the cancer prevention study, better determining the different causes of cancer. The money we raise at the Relay for Life of Bayonne is used to fund research, programs and services, advocacy and education. Imagine what the $100,000Â we want to raise can do to help.
By waiving our fee, you are bringing us $6800 closer to that goal. And more importantly, you are helping us create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.”
As of this post Ms. Godesky and the American Cancer Society -Bayonne’s Relay for Life is awaiting word on the Bayonne City Council’s decision to waive the fee for the use of Ahern Stadium for the 2010 Bayonne Relay for Life.