Tag Archives: Swine Flu

HEALTH VIEWS- THE FLU AND YOU- Read this important post


Each year in the United States on average, 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; on average, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications, and; about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes.

What Is Influenza? Within the public sphere, “The flu” has become shorthand for “I feel like crap.”  I suspect that this is part of the reason why some people think the influenza vaccine doesn’t work.  Medically speaking, however, influenza is a very specific family of viruses that cause a reasonably narrow set of problems for humans.

READ MORE For you health - source Joseph Albietz,  Science Based Medicine

New Jersey- Limited Initial Shipments of H1N1 Influenza Nasal Spray Arrive in State Today -Public Information Line Open-

A small number of local health departments and health care providers received initial shipments of nasal spray H1N1 flu vaccine today. Plans for the administration of the vaccine that arrived today and additional shipments that will continue to arrive are being finalized by providers.

The H1N1 nasal mist vaccine is only recommended for healthy people between the ages of 2 and 49 who are not pregnant. Continue reading New Jersey- Limited Initial Shipments of H1N1 Influenza Nasal Spray Arrive in State Today -Public Information Line Open-