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More than 3,000 young Jersey City residents have participated in the JC Summer Works Initiative
Jersey City Summer Internship Program (JCSI), a youth employment initiative started by the Fulop administration in 2014 that connects Jersey City public high school students to paid internships at the city’s leading companies and institutions while also earning academic credit was announced today by Mayor Steven M. Fulop that the opening of the online application process has begun. JCSI is a part of the city’s broader Jersey City Summer Works initiative, which has provided summer employment and enrichment for more than 3,000 young people in city departments and agencies, corporations and nonprofits since the initiative began.
In its fourth year, JCSI has provided over 175 Jersey City public school students with high-quality summer internships. Continue reading Opening of Application Process for the 2017 Jersey City Summer Internship Program Announced by Mayor Fulop