Tag Archives: Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop

JERSEY CITY Mayor Fulop and City Council Set to Restore Historic Reservoir for Complete Resident Access

Project 30 years in the making; Reservoir 3 will Include Complete Public Access for the 1st Time with $6 Million Dollar Renovation  

Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced today a $6 million dollar investment to complete the restoration of Reservoir 3 in the Jersey City Heights. The project will include landscaped open spaces, a complete walking trail with access to the waterfront, lighting, and safety measures. This plan represents the largest park investment since the City completed Berry Lane Park. 

“This project will create another special place for Jersey City residents. This will be one of the great parks anywhere in North Jersey. The reality is, when you are in the reservoir area you don’t even realize you’re in a city. This project has been in discussion for nearly 30 years with residents recognizing the potential but nobody acting on it, and I’m glad we are able to move this forward. It will be an amazing addition to Jersey City,” said Mayor Steven M. Fulop  

Jersey City Moves Forward on Parking Deck for Central Avenue Business District

First city council meeting with 3 new members is held in the Council Chambers on January 10, 2018. Photo by Jennifer Brown

Project was a Focus and Priority for Councilman Michael Yun before Passing

 Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced today that the city is moving forward on a project that was a priority for the late Ward D Councilman, Michael Yun, prior to his passing. The city will engage in a public/private partnership to construct a new 7-story residential building with views of the NYC Skyline, in addition to a multi-level parking garage with 400 public parking spaces to replace the existing smaller, and often overflowing, surface lot. The project will be heard at the Planning Board meeting on August 25th, and will serve as both community and business district parking for The Heights.

Mayor Fulop Advancing as Leader in Green Technology, Transforming NJ’s Largest Municipal Fleet to most Expansive EV Fleets in the Country

Jersey City 1st to Introduce Electric Police Cars & Garbage Trucks under Executive Order for Full Electrification by 2030

 Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced today the expansive implementation of electric vehicles throughout Jersey City’s municipal fleet to become the first on the East Coast with fully electric garbage trucks and some of the first EV Police response vehicles.  The infrastructure advancements to New Jersey’s largest municipal fleet fall under the Mayor’s Executive Order to require 10% of all new municipal fleet vehicles to be fully electric this year where available, with a goal of 100% of new municipal fleet vehicles to be fully electric by 2030.

Jersey City 1st in NJ to Tackle Prolonged Pollution by Creating Extensive, Multi-Layered Approach to Greatly Reduce Combined Sewage Overflows while Promoting Green Building Initiatives

1st Initiative under new Resiliency Master Plan uses Innovative, Cost-Effective Flood Reduction and Pollution Solutions

JERSEY CITY –Mayor Steven Fulop, the Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA), the Division of City Planning, and the Office of Sustainability announce an innovative approach to expand the city’s efforts to drastically reduce pollution while promoting sustainable development.  The dual-pronged approach enables properties outside designated flood zones and requires those within to incorporate green infrastructure to promote the soundest of sustainable construction and pollution reduction practices, implementing localized flooding controls, while improving overall quality of life for community.

In Wake of Pandemic, Jersey City Set to Launch 1st in the Nation Comprehensive Inner City Vertical Farming Program

Photo: Aerofarms -Source Bing

Initiative to Focus on Food Deserts, Inequity with Food Access, and Education on Healthy Eating; Program is a Partnership with AeroFarms & World Economic Forum

Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced this week that the City of Jersey City will be moving forward with the 1st in the nation municipal vertical farming program. The program will be in conjunction with AeroFarms, the world leader in vertical farming, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) who recently selected Jersey City as their first partner in the Healthy Cities and Communities 2030 Initiatives.

In wake of pandemic, Jersey City moving forward with Largest Mixed-Income Housing Development in Tri-State Region

Jersey City Bayfront Development plan. –Cove Pointe Photo Jennifer Brown/ City of Jersey City

8,000 Unit Development Site will be 35% Affordable Housing, Reshaping West Side of Jersey City

JERSEY CITY – Mayor Steven M. Fulop, the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency (JCRA), and the Department of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce (HEDC) announce an agreement for construction of the first phase of Bayfront, the largest mixed-income development site in the region. 

The city acquired the 100-acre Bayfront property from Honeywell Corporation in 2018 for $100 million with the city stating at the time a reason for the acquisition is to meet the goal of increasing the on-site affordable housing requirements from 5%, that was previously stipulated in the redevelopment plan, to a new goal of 35% with the city controlling the property. 

Jersey City Begins Implementing Re-Opening Plans To Help Local Businesses Bounce Back

Will Provide Testing for All Employees of Local Businesses; Will Provide PPE Re-Opening Packages once Business is Tested; Will Facilitate Easy Access to Outdoor Seating for Restaurants

 Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced today that the city will be taking aggressive steps to help local small businesses prepare to re-open their doors once Governor Murphy lifts restrictions. The plan includes testing for all employees of local businesses, providing each local business a re-opening package that will include PPE and sanitizer once the business is tested, and a process for restaurants to easily expand outdoor seating to offset loss of indoor seating.

“After two months of these businesses being closed, we want to do our part to make sure that local businesses have the ability to re-engage their customers and build trust. We think customers knowing that all the employees have recently tested negative and are equipped with PPEs will allow this to happen. For restaurants specifically, we want to offset any reduction that the Governor may implement with indoor restriction by allowing restaurants to have more seating outdoor,” Mayor Fulop said. 

Over the last few weeks, leadership within the Departments of Public Safety, Health and Human Services, and Housing & Economic Development have been doing large focus group Zoom meetings with local business owners to solicit feedback and better understand the resources they will need. 

In addition to testing and PPE, the city has set an easy to use application for any business looking to expand outdoor seating for their business. 

“This pandemic has challenged everyone in many ways, and business owners have also had the additional burden of trying to survive the pandemic in their business capacity as well,” said Annisia Cialone, Director of HEDC.  â€œThe future of local business will not immediately return to the way it was, so we’re working to help them recover and get to that point.”

The city will provide owners and employees both COVID-19 and Antibody Testing, in addition to a safety kit which will include face coverings, gloves, and sanitizers based on the number of employees at each business. 

“We have been building a reserve of PPE for our employees, but after listening to local businesses say they are having challenges obtaining PPE we feel that using our supply to help local businesses is a good use of our current supply so that these businesses can open quickly,” said Public Safety Director James Shea.

Link for Business Re-Opening Testing 

Link for Expansion if Outdoor Seating 


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Jersey City Police Officer Tony Vlachos, Wins Survivor 40

Tony Vlachos Winner of Survivor 40

Tony Vlachos, Jersey City native and police officer, Won Survivor for a second time becoming winner of Survivor Season 40 on Wednesday May 13th, 2020 telecast.

Vlachos survived 39 days in what was called Winners at War. Chosen by the Jury the Jersey City resident and Police Officer walked away with the $2,000.000. million dollar prize.

This Survivor season battle of the champions had 20 former winners against each other. —  During Wednesday night finale Vlachos joined Sandra Diaz-Twine as the franchise’s only two-time victors.

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop posted on his Facebook page “‪Congrats to Tony Vlachos of our North District. Winner!”

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Jersey City Launches Virtual Court Proceedings to Protect and Enforce Residents’ Rights

9/11 Memorial Blood Drive

Latest Commitment to Continuing City Operations amid Pandemic while Adhering to Health & Safety Protocols

JERSEY CITY – Mayor Steven M. Fulop, Municipal Prosecutor Jake Hudnut, Municipal Court Chief Judge Carlo Abad, and Municipal Court Director Wendy Razzoli announce provisions in place to allow for virtual court proceedings beginning Monday, May 11, 2020.  For the health and safety of everyone involved, the transition to virtual court utilizing Zoom video conferencing will reduce foot traffic at the Jersey City Municipal Courthouse by allowing the public to appear remotely to have matters such as traffic, parking, DUI’s, code enforcement, and minor criminal offenses heard. 

Jersey City Declares State of Emergency Covid-19 Concerns Close Parks Government Stays Open

JERSEY CITY – Mayor Steven M. Fulop declared a state of emergency today due to the threat of spreading the deadly Covid-19 (coronavirus), closing most commercial businesses except food providers and trimming down the government workforce to minimal staffing levels. 

In an Executive Orders signed just before noon, Mayor Fulop declared the emergency a week after Jersey City took the national lead in mandating preventive measures to combat the spread of the pandemic Coronavirus by evoking a curfew on liquor establishments and requiring businesses with more than 25 persons keep records that identified each patron.