Tag Archives: James R Adams


The Provident Bank recently sponsored the 2009 Kiwanis Art Expo, which recognizes artwork by high school students in Jersey City Public School’s Department of Visual and Performing Arts. Winning entries were displayed in the lobby of Provident’s corporate headquarters in Jersey City. Prizes were awarded for categories including painting, drawing, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture and graphic design.

kiwanis09photo1PHOTO1: At the awards ceremony are David Radulich, Performing Arts supervisor of Jersey City Public Schools; James R. Adams, Jr., publisher and editor of The Courier Times and president of Kiwanis Club of Jersey City; Honorable Mention Malesha Green, Dickinson High School; First Place Winner Fenna Brown, Liberty High School; Third Place Winner Asmaa Abdullah, Liberty High School; and Second Place Winner Mario Garcia, Dickinson High School; and Jean Quinn, vice president, corporate communications for The Provident Bank.

PHOTO2: At the awards presentation are the winners in the category of kiwanis09photo2Ceramics (from left) David Radulich, Performing Arts supervisor of Jersey City Public Schools, Second Place Winner Agsa Naveed, McNair Academic High School; Third Place Winner Xiomara Camacho, Ferris High School; Honorable Mention Justine Valerio, Ferris High School; First Place Winner Eman Elkwisni, McNair Academic High School; James R. Adams, Jr., publisher and editor of The Courier Times and president of Kiwanis; and Jean Quinn, vice president, corporate communications for The Provident Bank.