Tag Archives: Hudson Gives Fundraiser


Photo source: Hudson Cove Facebook page

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Thursday, May 14th is #HudsonGives, a 24-hour, online giving day for nonprofits of Hudson County.


Together we can make a larger impact when we give in support and celebration of the nonprofits that make Hudson County a great place to live, work and play!

HCCB is 100% volunteer-run & 100% donation-based.

They are contingent on donations they receive during their paddle days in their cove, and fundraisers like this, to continue to be there for the community.

Giving even a small donation can go a long way as the nonprofit with the most individual donors will be able to receive additional funding from Hudson Gives partners. So, add Thursday, May 14th to your calendar and be sure to donate between 12AM and 11:59PM on that day!


Here is a little more information…

The mission of HCCB is to provide free water sport programs and access to local waterways for all to enjoy. They want to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, background, economic standing, or prior experience has the opportunity to enjoy a healthy outdoor activity in our community.

Every weekend during the summer months HCCB provides free kayaking, stand up paddle boarding and outrigger canoeing for all. Initially, our free public paddling program was only offered 1-3 times a year. Now, HCCB is open every weekend during the summer serving an average of 6,000 paddlers each year!

In addition to our free paddling programs, HCCB regularly organizes beach clean-ups in conjunction with Plastic Patrol and other environmental organizations.

Get Social with them
IG : @hobocobo
FB: https://www.facebook.com/HobokenCoveBoathouse/