Music Broadway Bayonne Friday, April 28th , 2017 is sponsored by Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis and the Bayonne Urban Enterprise Zone a program for the city of Bayonne that is a wonderful way to get out, go for dinner and listen to young talented musicians play while you dine.
Live Music on Broadway now in its 18th week pairs local musicians with some of Bayonne’s excellent dinner venues.
Going out to dine Friday night April 21th ? Visit one of these fine establishments and listen to some fantastic music.
Click on the restaurants and tavern names to find out more about these fine Bayonne establishments
Music Broadway Bayonne
Bella Sorrellas Restauant 1020 Broadway 7pm George Orlando
KP Sarelli’s Restaurant 241 Broadway 7pm Piano Bill Duo
Kuhl’s Tavern 53 Prospect Ave………5:00 pm Greg Aulden
MezCal Kitchen 482 Broadway… 7pm Dave Watson
San Vito’s 406 Broadway 6:30 pm Bob Dokus
The Vic Tavern 107 Hobart Ave… 4:00 pm Orville Davis
For more information call the Bayonne UEZ 201-858-6357