Tag Archives: Director



Jersey City, NJ … Today the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce launched a promotional campaign designed to spur the business community into supporting fellow Hudson County based businesses.

The campaign theme is “We Make it Happen” and features six distinguished members of the association’s Board of Directors in a series of print, online and outdoor ads during a six week period. The group includes Dr. Carlos Hernandez, President, New Jersey City University; Dr. Eugene Cornacchia, President, Saint Peter’s College; Joseph F. Scott, FACHE, President and CEO, LibertyHealth; Connie Claman, Vice President Resource Administration, Liberty Science Center; Maria Nieves, Director, Public Affairs, Fidelity Investments and Helen Brzozowski, Director, Junior Prep Pre-School Center. Continue reading HUDSON COUNTY CHAMBER LAUNCHES AD CAMPAIGN

Hudson County’s Favorite Son-Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra is one of the first all round superstars of the entertainment business. A singer, actor, director and producer par excellence.


But in Hudson County-He’s it!!    

frank-oldAlthough Frank Sinatra died over 11 years ago, his legend, and music and escapades as an entertainer on and off the stage and screen live on. Especially in Hudson County where stories about the boy from Hoboken are passed down from parents to children. In Hudson County we love Frank Sinatra .Everyone has a Sinatra story – it really is -Six degrees of Frank Sinatra here. You hear things like “Frank was at my mother’s wedding,” or “they say he use to ride the streets of Hoboken late at night in his limo, remembering the good old days. And   there isn’t a restaurant in Hudson County that doesn’t have  some kind of photo of Frank. Yep, In Hudson County we love Frank- here is a bio on Hudson County’s favorite son.       

Francis Albert Sinatra was born on December 12, 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey. Frank Sinatra’s father was a firefighter and amateur boxer named Martin Anthony Sinatra while his mother, Natalie Sinatra had political aspirations. Over the next eighty years Frank Sinatra was a singer, actor, director and producer who entertained generation after generation all over the world. Continue reading Hudson County’s Favorite Son-Frank Sinatra