CAREPOINT COMPUTER DONATIONS: Representatives of CarePoint Health-Hoboken University Medical Center and TRUE Mentors pose with children and the new computers. Pictured (from left) are: TRUE Mentors Board Treasurer James Sproule; Chris Lopez; HUMC Chief Operating Officer Ann Logan, PhD, RN; Pedro Gonzalez; TRUE Mentors Executive Director Katie Eades; and TRUE Mentors volunteer Peter Uwandi.
HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY — CarePoint Health–Hoboken University Medical Center donated 10 laptops for students in the TRUE Mentors program with a presentation at the Hoboken Dual Language Charter School.
TRUE Mentors is a Hoboken nonprofit offering a one-to-one mentoring program which matches children aged 7 to 17 with adult community leaders. Continue reading CAREPOINT HEALTH-HOBOKEN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DONATES STUDENT LAPTOPS