Tag Archives: Bayonne Bridge Construction Update

Bayonne Bridge Construction Update

Bayonne Bridge Construction
Photo by Ad Vantage Publishing Inc

Bayonne Bridge Construction updates are provided by Mayor James Davis   City of Bayonne and  the Port Authority on the Bayonne Bridge construction project.

                Building trades workers are installing the fire and electrical systems inside the bridge.

                On the new roadway from 6th Street o the bridge’s main span, workers are continuing to install lighting, drainage systems, electrical systems, the barrier wall, and other roadway-related structures.

                Workers cut  grooves into the bridge’s roadway, beginning a round of activity on January 19, and continuing to February 8.  The hours of work will be from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

                In February, storm water system work will be done around Pier N15 between 5th and 6th Streets.  This work is expected to be completed by February 15.

                For the next several weeks, the construction project will require bridge closures during various daytime and nighttime hours.  Beginning at some point in March, only nighttime closures will be needed.   Details of the schedule will be announced.




Bayonne Bridge Construction Update


Bayonne Bridge Construction
Photo by Ad Vantage Publishing Inc









Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has provided new information to the City of Bayonne about the Bayonne Bridge construction project.

Construction at most bridge piers on the Bayonne side of the bridge has been completed.  At Piers N6 and N7, between 1st and 2ndStreets, pipe struts are being installed.  The gantry should launch to this location during February. At Pier N8, which is between 2nd Street and Gertrude Street, the roadway segments’ closure pour is in process. Continue reading Bayonne Bridge Construction Update

Bayonne Bridge Construction Update

Bayonne Bridge River View ObserverBayonne’s Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has provided new information to the City of Bayonne about the Bayonne Bridge construction project.

At Piers N2, N3, and N4 (south of 1st Street), foundations are being constructed now.

At Pier N5 (south of 1st Street), in July, a crane will arrive for pier erection and then work its way south to Piers N4, N3, and N2.

Work has taken place around Piers N6 and N7 (between 1st and 2nd Streets).  Drill shaft work and excavation have taken place for sixteen footings.  The Port Authority will be working in this area until December.  Continue reading Bayonne Bridge Construction Update