Rental Assistance Available from BEOF for Hudson County Residents


            The Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation (BEOF) currently has rental assistance funding available for qualifying residents.  The BEOF provides temporary housing assistance to individuals and families in Hudson County who are in imminent danger of becoming homeless.

            These are the eligibility guidelines:  Must have summons or warrant of removal with a docket number.  Must prove you can pay going forward.  Rent can’t be more than 50% of income.  (Example: If monthly income is $1,000, rent cannot be more than $500.)  Must be New Jersey resident – legally in the United States (Hudson County).  Applicant cannot be receiving TANF, TRA, Section 8, or SSI.  Applicant cannot be being released from jail. 

            If interested in applying, please visit BEOF headquarters at 555 Kennedy Boulevard (between 21st and 22nd Streets) in Bayonne, NJ.  Staff members are available to assist in the completion of your application. 

            For more information, please call BEOF headquarters at 201-437-7222, and ask for Lourdes or Marisa.