Operation CEASE FIRE NJ -NJ Campaign to Stop the Next Shooting


Operation CeaseFire Overview
The principle goal is to achieve a substantial impact on youth violence, especially gun violence through a true partnership between law enforcement and prosecutors and community-based organizations, community outreach workers, and neighborhood residents.

The entire city will be targeted for community mobilization and public education efforts.
Outreach Volunteer Goals
Operation CeaseFire Outreach Volunteers are the vital links between law enforcement and communityresidents, helping to change both the behaviors and thinking of high risk individuals who may become involved
in gun violence, either as victims or as perpetrators.
You will be asked to complete a Volunteer Application Eligibility Form in order to conduct a background check by the Jersey City Police and the New Jersey State Police.
The final step to becoming a volunteer will be for potential candidates to participate in an interview with representatives from the Operation CeaseFire Board.
If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact
Jersey City Police Community Relations 201-547-5682
Prior offenses do not automatically disqualify a potential candidate.
Volunteering disqualifiers include:- Active Probation – Current involvement with Division of Youth and Family Services – Pending Domestic Violence Charges – Megan’s Law Registrant on any Tier
– If on Parole, the case must be reviewed – J.C.P.D. determination that applicant participation would be detrimental Community Outreach Volunteers will perform the following services:
􀂾 Engage victims of gun violence & their families in meaningful dialogue about the next
shooting and ending the violence to prevent retaliation.
􀂾 Assist victims & their families in accessing various resources and social services.
ô€‚¾ Canvass streets, bars, parks, clinics, public housing complexes within the target areas,during non-traditional hours, to disseminate “Stop The Next Shooting” materials.
􀂾 Serve as a catalyst for change by sending the message that our community wilonger tolerate violence in their community.
Prior offenses do not automatically disqualify a potential candidate.
Volunteering disqualifiers include:You will be asked to complete a Volunteer Application Eligibility Form in order to conduct a background check by the Jersey City Police and the New Jersey State Police.

The final step to becoming a volunteer will be for potential candidates to participate in an interview
with representatives from the Operation CeaseFire Board.

If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact Jersey City Police Community Relations

– Active Probation – Current involvement with Division of Youth and Family Services
– Pending Domestic Violence Charges – Megan’s Law Registrant on any Tier
– If on Parole, the case must be reviewed – J.C.P.D. determination that applicant participation would be detrimentalYou will be asked to complete a Volunteer Application Eligibility Form in order to conduct a
background check by the Jersey City Police and the New Jersey State Police.
The final step to becoming a volunteer will be for potential candidates to participate in an interview
with representatives from the Operation CeaseFire Board.
If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact:
Jersey City Police Community Relations 201-547-5682

For applicationopceasefireapp

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