Bayonne to Hold Open Mic Night at Museum on May 15: Spoken Word, Poetry, Essays, Raps, and Rhymes

Bayonne Hosts Open Mic Night


Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that the City of Bayonne will hold the first Open Mic Night at the Bayonne Community Museum on Tuesday, May 15. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. The program will begin at about 6:30 p.m. Those interested in performing in spoken word, poetry, essays, raps, and rhymes must sign in to participate.

Performers will be called before the audience in order of registration. Mayor Davis said, “We have a growing number of talented performers in Bayonne. Open Mic Night will give them an opportunity to do their best in front of a hometown crowd. We look forward to providing this new forum for our local stars to shine. We hope this will be just the beginning.”
Open Mic Night will not include musical performances. Background drumming will be accepted, if it helps the performers of the spoken word.

Foul language will not be allowed in the show, in order to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere in a public building.
Open Mic Night will be free of charge and open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided.

The Bayonne Community Museum is located at 229 Broadway at the corner of 9th Street. Mass transit to the site is available by either the Broadway Bus, or by Hudson Bergen Light Rail trains to the 8th Street Station, which is located around the block.