This year the Bayonne Elks Lodge 434 was very proud to have the Karen Minutella Reading Initiative installed in the Bayonne Grade School System. This “Initiative” donates a free book to each and every third grader in the Bayonne Public School System. This was done in memory of our late member Karen Minutella, who was killed in a horrific motorcycle accident and whose last act of Elkdom was to read to third-grade students. Karen”s fiance Ken Healey came up with this wonderful idea to honor her memory. On March 1, 2018, Bayonne Elks and other Elks from other lodges joined in with the Bayonne Board of Education and read the book Freckle Juice to all third-grade classes in Bayonne.
This Saturday, May 12, 2018, we will hold our 2nd Annual Karen Minutella Motorcycle Run & Memorial BBQ at the Bayonne Elks Lodge #434, 364 Broadway, Bayonne, New Jersey. A private group of motorcycle committee members will head out from the Lodge at 11 am recreating Karen’s first solo ride to the Scenic Overlook on Route 78 and return @ approximately 1:00 pm to a BBQ to raise funds for next year’s program and donation.