Jersey City to Host 35th Annual Cultural Arts Festival

Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, the Municipal Council and the Department of Health & Human Services/Division of Cultural Affairs will kick off the city’s summer cultural calendar with the 35th Annual Cultural Arts Festival on Sunday, June 7, 2009 from 1 to 7 p.m. in the Central Railroad Terminal at Liberty State Park. Continue reading Jersey City to Host 35th Annual Cultural Arts Festival

The Honorable Jerramiah T Healy (left), Mayor of Jersey City, presents a Proclamation to Peter Kelly, President and CEO of Christ Hospital


The Honorable Jerramiah T Healy (left), Mayor of Jersey City, presents a Proclamation to Peter Kelly, President and CEO of Christ Hospital, recognizing, acknowledging and thanking Christ Hospital and its School of Nursing for the outreach program, “Know Your Numbers.” On May 29, 2009, students from the hospital’s nursing school conducted blood pressure and glucose screenings throughout Jersey City to educate the community on hypertension and diabetes. Nearly 300 residents were screened in four sites which included City Hall, the Brennan Courthouse, the Newport Mall, and the Shop-Rite on Marin Boulevard.

Street Corner Harmony Trailer-The Urban Sounds of the City

Back in the 60s before the tall buildings in Downtown Jersey City, the sidewalks echoed with the sound of Street Corner Harmony- Acappella Groups sang on every corner and under the trestles of the embankments
The trailer you are about to see is for a documentary being released next year and featuring groups from the 60s -Pioneer Acappella Groups
that paved the way for future performers and genres of music.

The Concepts- The Persuassions- - Joanne and the Heartaches -The Royal Counts- The Savoys and hundreds and hundred of street corner vocal groups that were formed in every major city and sang all up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

Tax Deduction + Green Driving- Vespa -Jersey City

River View Observer Best Pick “Alternative Mode of Transportation” VESPA”


You want to get around Hudson County in an eco -friendly way and get a tax deduction? Read on:

The U.S. Government’s recently approved stimulus package includes tax breaks for consumers who purchase new on-road two or three wheeled motorcycles or scooters in 2009. The law, officially designated as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, allows buyers of “qualified motor vehicles” to take a tax deduction for state or local sales or excise tax imposed on the purchase, up to $49,500 of the purchase price. The deduction applies to NEW purchases made between February 17 and December 31, 2009, and taxpayers do not need to itemize to claim it. Key Tax Break Points

Vespa  Jersey City 247 Tenth St. Jersey City 201-837-7252 Continue reading Tax Deduction + Green Driving- Vespa -Jersey City