Tag Archives: What parts of Bayonne still don’t have power

Remaining Power Outages in Bayonne (as of Sunday morning, November 4)

Release Date: 11/04/2012
Citywide east of Broadway from Linnett Street to the City Line (including Avenue E, Prospect Avenue, Avenue F, South Cove Commons, Bayonne Crossing Shopping Center, The Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor, The Alexan, Hook Road, and Lincoln Community School
Avenue C between West 29th Street and West 43rd Street
Kennedy Boulevard between West 23rd Street to the City Line (including the Hudson Plaza Motel and the City Line Shopping Plaza)
Avenue B between West 36th Street and West 52nd Street
Avenue A between 15th Street and West 37th Street
Entire Gregg-Bayonne Hudson County Park
Newman Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets
6th Street between Avenue C and Newman Avenue
All of 16th Street
West 19th Street between Kennedy Boulevard and Newark Bay
West 18th and West 22nd Streets between Avenue A and Newark Bay
West 20th, 21st, and 23rd Streets between Kennedy Boulevard and Newark Bay
West 24th through West 27th Streets between Avenue C and Newark Bay (including the trailer park, Park Road, and Bayonne High School)
Entire span of 28th through 42nd Streets
West 43rd Street between Avenue B and Newark Bay
West 44th and 45th Streets between Avenue C and Newark Bay
West 46th through West 48th Streets, and West 50th Street between Avenue B and Newark Bay
West 49th Street between Avenue C and Newark Bay
Entire span of 51st, 54th, and 58th Streets
West 52nd Street between Avenue B and Newark Bay, and between Avenue C and Avenue E
West 57th Street between Avenue B and Newark Bay
Joan Ree Terrace
Sunset Drive
Colonial Drive