Lincoln Equities Group (LEG) scheduled to seek site plan approval to build eight hundred eighty thousand Sq. Ft facility at the former Military Ocean Terminal at Bayonne” MOTBY”

BAYONNE, N.J. – On February 9, 2021 the Bayonne Planning board will hold a hearing to approve amendments to LEG’s site plan to permit the construction of a distribution center to host United Parcel Service (UPS) as a tenant. The site consists of approximately 150 waterfront acres with direct access to Global terminals and the NJ Turnpike.
The UPS project is estimated to create over a thousand jobs for the area “” When I first became Mayor in 2014 the development of MOTBY and bringing jobs back to Bayonne were my top
priorities,” said Bayonne Mayor James Davis. “This project with UPS helps me accomplish both, and is not only good for Bayonne but for the entire region.
“This is a welcomed addition to the revitalization of the former MOTBY site and great news for Bayonne’s families,” said U.S. Senator Bob Menendez. “I applaud Mayor Davis and his council for their continued leadership in attracting new, good-paying jobs and economic opportunities to the city.”
MOTBY was transferred to the City in 1999 and under the Davis Administration has seen a flurry of development including residential and commercial sites such as COSTCO, Starbucks and Lid!. ” As the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency under Mayor Doria, I always knew the potential benefits of MOTBY and today as a resident and elected official I can proudly say that the addition of UPS to our city is a win for all of us” said Assemblyman Nicholas
“This project is part of the City’s overall goal of promoting balanced development within our city that not only benefits the new businesses and investors but helps support the economy of the whole city.” Stated Council President Sharon Ashe Nadrowski Bayonne’s redevelopment continues to be a economic driver in Hudson County and throughout the state and region. The original site plan approved construction of 1.5 million square feet within in a four buildings between 150,000-477,000 square feet. The site also has direct water access with a wharf with roll on roll off capabilities that may permit UPS to create a water highway to New York city and beyond.