Tag Archives: Tracy Dalessandro

Bayonne Chamber of Commerce Takes Road Trip to Meadowlands Racetrack


 On June 16 The Bayonne Chamber of Commerce had its first road trip. Michele Bryd, Director of Winners of Bayonne chaired the event where trustees and its members had an event in a skybox at the Meadowlands Racetrack.  They enjoyed a social event to celebrate summer while watching races which included the ostrich race along with the camel races. 

Bayonne Chamber takes first road trip
The fourth race was  ran in Tribute of the Bayonne Chamber of Commerce. Photo of the above transferring the reins is outgoing president Matthew Dorans (left) and incoming president Thomas Coughlin (right). Photo was taken at the winner circle where the trustees and members took a photo with the winning horse.

Bayonne Chamber takes first road trip to meadowlands Racetrack

 In the Winner Circle trustees in photo or Michele Byrd, Annette Rubin, Matt Dorans, Tom Coughlin, Tracy D’Alessandro, Dina Santarelli, Jack Kennedy  and Gail Godesky and other members