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Friday, June 7th, 2019

A City-Wide, All-Day Celebration of Art & Culture in Jersey City

Friday, June 7th, 2019

JC Fridays Citywide, All-Day Arts & Culture Festival in Jersey City!

(Jersey City, NJ; May 1st, 2019)- June 7th, 2019, Art House Productions’ JC Fridays will be holding its seasonal festival!  Featuring art events that take place in restaurants, galleries, stores, and event spaces in almost every neighborhood of our great city.  This June is our 2nd annual ACCESS JC Fridays  It focuses on inclusion and encourages participants to present work from artists with disabilities and/or work that celebrates disability in any of its many forms, including, but not limited to: impairments that are cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, and sensory. We also encourage you to find easy and inexpensive ways to make your physical space accessible to all.

All events are free and open to the public. As one of the preeminent art scenes in the tri-state area, Jersey City is abound with visual and performing artists of all types, musicians, and individuals with unique talent; JC Fridays is one of the best times for them to share their newest projects and works.

Sponsors: Harrison Rand, Mayor Steven M. Fulop, Jersey City Municipal Council & Cultural Affairs, Historic Downtown SID, JCEDC*

Made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, A Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts; administered by the Hudson County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs/Tourism Development, and by the County of Hudson, Thomas A. DeGise, Hudson County Executive, and the Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders. * Supported in part by a grant from New Jersey Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism

Supporters: Jersey City Arts Council, Friends of JC Fridays: Triangle Park Community Center, Hudson Partnership

Cast Iron Lofts- 262 17th Street  (Coles St /Jersey Ave)

201-918- 6019. Wheelchair Accessible.

ARTScene/JUNE 2018 In & Around Hudson listings



 ArtSCENE June 15-June 30 2018

SMUSH GALLERY, 340 Summit Ave, JC. www.smushgallery.com. Opens June 15 (Opening Reception 6-9 pm) and runs through Fri, July 6, (Closing Reception 6-9 pm):  MODERN LIFE: paintings by Tom Wolf. “The opening reception will feature a performance by The Prom Dates.” Performance at 7:30 pm.

 ArtSCENE June 15-June 30 2018

FRAGMENTED IDENTITY, 389 Washington, St, JC. Opening Reception Fri, June 8, 7-9 pm. (The show runs through July.) Solo show by Theda Sandiford, a self-taught installation and mixed-media artist based in Jersey City. “Theda began exploring her artistry by transforming collected materials into mixed-media works, photographing her process and then digitally manipulating these images to extend the narrative as part of her personal mythology.”

ArtSCENE June 15-June 30 2018

NOVADO GALLERY, 110 Morgan St, JC. (201) 744-6713; novadogallery.com. Through Sat, June 23:  PERMUTATIONS OF VULNERABILITY. The International Sculpture Center presents an exhibition of artists in ISCs residency program at Mana Contemporary. Artists in the show are Carole Halle, Jessica Taylor-Hale, Christina Dietz and Dominic Sansone.

ArtSCENE June 15-June 30 2018

MANA CONTEMPORARY, 888 Newark Ave, JC. www.manacontemporary.org. Through Aug 1 on the 1st & 5th Floors:  PLEASE TOUCH: BODY BOUNDARIES. “The show is an exhibition of more than 50 artists who reference the body to illuminate conceptions of identity, femininity, and the gaze.”

Continue reading ARTScene/JUNE 2018 In & Around Hudson listings