Each year thousands of young people across the United States signup to join the Armed Forces, many are of college age and instead of heading off to college they head out to war. Some of these young soldiers are receiving their college degree while fighting for their country. In an effort to bring to light, give back and showed their gratitude a group of Stevens Technology students set out to make a difference by creating a venue entitled “Project Eleven”.
    Project Eleven is a non-profit venture created by Steven’s music and technology students in conjunction with Stevens Multimedia (SMM) a student run company. Its purpose is to create awareness and to show gratitude to all of the young veterans who are out at war fighting for this nation’s freedom. The idea for the project was first introduced to Stevens Music and Technology Professor David Musial by a music industry contact, Professor Musial then shared the idea with students involved with Stevens Multimedia. The result, a compilation of students creating a way to show their gratitude to soldiers their age who are out protecting our country, so that the students back home can continue to get an education. In retrospect it is “students helping the students”. Continue reading Hoboken’s Steven Technology Students Give Back to our Young Veterans through Music→
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