Tag Archives: Paul Gallay the Hudson Riverkeeper

Hudson Riverkeeper Paul Gallay will be the featured speaker at Take Me to the River, the Fund for a Better Waterfront’s Annual Fundraising Party.

Help fulfill The Vision for a Continuous, Public Waterfront

The event will be held at the Hoboken Elks Club on November 21, 2013 to raise funds for FBW’s mission, finishing a waterfront park along Hoboken’s Hudson River coastline that is both continuous and unquestionably public.


 Hudson_river_from_bear_mountain_bridgeThe Hudson Riverkeeper has a remarkable story to tell going after polluters of the Hudson River and sparking a movement to clean up rivers across the nation. Paul Gallay, the Hudson Riverkeeper, will relate this remarkable tale on Thursday night, November 21 at the Fund for a Better Waterfront’s (FBW) Annual Fundraising Party. The story echoes a similar grass roots effort in Hoboken to preserve its waterfront for the public’s use for generation to come, led by the advocacy efforts of FBW.

Contributions from area residents have been the most important source of support, sustaining the nonprofit Fund for a Better Waterfront (FBW) for the past 23 years. And the public is being asked to renew their  support by attending this   festive Annual Fundraising Party: Take Me to the River on November 21. The event will take place at the historic Hoboken Elks Club, 1005 Washington Street, Hoboken, New Jersey. Continue reading Hudson Riverkeeper Paul Gallay will be the featured speaker at Take Me to the River, the Fund for a Better Waterfront’s Annual Fundraising Party.