Bayonne Mayor James Davis
In order to support the local economy, Mayor Jimmy Davis and the Bayonne City Council have announced that, beginning April 1, 2021, local food and/or beverage establishments may be able to establish temporary outdoor seating with the issuance of a temporary use permit. These permits may allow food and/or beverage establishments to expand the areas available for seating on a cases by case basis. These temporary use permits were approved for most establishments last year through an active mercantile license from the City of Bayonne. If a food and/or beverage establishment received approval in 2020 for temporary outdoor dining, a new application is not required if the proposed use remains the same. However, proof of 2021 insurance must be provided. If the business proposal has changed, a new application will be required.
Temporary outdoor dining permits allow operation from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. at A.B.C.-licensed facilities and normal business hours for non-A.B.C.-licensed facilities.
Food and/or beverage establishments interested in continuing their temporary outdoor dining use permit in the same manner as the 2020 approval must sign a certification and mail or place it in the drop box by the outside of City Hall to the attention of Room #13- Zoning Office. There is no fee to continue the temporary outdoor dining use for qualifying food and/or beverage establishments.
A food and/or beverage establishment that did not apply previously or receive approval for outdoor dining must submit a new application packet along with proof of insurance coverage. There is no fee for new applications or the continuation certification. For questions, please contact Tracey Tuohy in the Zoning Office at 201-858-6110 or Michele O’Reilly in the Health Department at 201-85