City Council unanimously passes Resolution to name 5th and Monmouth Street in Downtown Jersey City, Louis Calamito Way
 Louis Calamito, a decorated World War II veteran and a longtime resident of Monmouth Street in downtown Jersey City who died in 2005 will be honored In Memoriam when the City of Jersey City re-names the corner of 5th and Monmouth Street “Louis Calamito Way.”
Through the efforts of Jersey City Council President Peter Brennan, Councilman Steve Fulup, the Village Neighborhood Association and Louis Calamito’s son, Vincent, the Resolution to rename the street corner received a unanimous “yes” vote by the City Council on January 26th. The official unveiling of the street sign will take place March 5th with Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, Council President Brennan, downtown’s Ward “E” Councilman Fulop attending along with members of the Calamito family. Continue reading Jersey City to Rename Street for WWII Hero and Longtime Resident Louis Calamito →