Tag Archives: Hudson County Carpenters Local #6


All-Volunteer Home Rehabilitation Organization Set to Improve

3 Jersey City Homes and 5 Community Facilities

21 Years in Jersey City – More Than 302 Homes Renewed!

 JERSEY CITY, NJ   April 6, 2012 – Commencing the week of April 9th, Dr. Lena Edwards Academic Charter School cafeteria in Jersey City will be transformed into “Command Central” as Rebuilding Together Jersey City gets ready to improve the lives of three Jersey City homeowners and five not-for-profit organizations being refurbished on Saturday, April 14, 2012.  On that day, the Bramhall Street cafeteria that is usually filled with school children will instead be filled with lumber, ladders, paint, and all the tools and materials needed to save the Jersey City homes of people unable to make repairs for themselves. Continue reading REBUILDING TOGETHER JERSEY CITY