Tag Archives: homelessness

Gimme Shelter Project Organized Stitch In Mar. 8th

The Gimme Shelter Project grew from Michelle Vitale’s work  with the homeless and it is to bring awareness to the 16% homeless increase in New Jersey(taken from the Homeless Point In Time Count).


Gimme Shelter Brochure Ms. Vitale has created 8 out of 16 weatherized blankets with the intent to give them away after the full 16 are made. The other 8 have organized Stitch Ins so the community can contribute to the project.

Columbus Window Gimme Shelter Michelle Vitale and Wilbury4 out of Vitale’s 8 blankets are currently on view at Windows on Columbus with an an opening this Friday March 6th from 6 to 8. Also works from Gail Wilbury


Gimme Shelter River View Observer

The organized Stitch In will take place on Sunday March 8th
Jersey City City Hall 280 Grove Street from 12 noon to 3pm