Source: Nixle

Small business grants available Monday, 9:00 am
We encourage all small business owners to apply for new small business grants of up to $10,000 for rental payments provided through the State of New Jersey and made available by Governor Phil Murphy. Thankfully, Hoboken is one of 64 cities selected in New Jersey where businesses can apply. The grants are available as of this Monday, August 10 at 9:00 am on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be provided as long as funds remain. If you are a small business and want to apply, please be sure to do so without delay on Monday morning.
Learn more with some helpful FAQs (also attached), and apply for the funding at
Additionally, the deadline for small businesses for applying for Hoboken’s CARES Act funding we established with Hudson County is this upcoming Friday, August 14. Hoboken small businesses are eligible for up to $20,000 in a one-time payment to assist in retaining and paying employees. For more information on this grant and to apply (application period currently open), please visit
Impact of COVID-19 in Hoboken
The Hoboken Health Department reported the following, new COVID-19 cases:
August 7: 5
August 8: 5
August 9: 3
Hoboken now has a known, confirmed total of 680 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Fatalities remain unchanged at 29.
Two of the weekend’s cases were from those who got tested weeks ago but only recently learned of the results due to a delay in laboratory testing results. None of the residents testing positive are hospitalized, and none were from any known clusters or patterns within Hoboken. We have, however seen trends throughout the past several weeks of those testing positive after attending social gatherings. We continue to encourage residents to avoid any large gatherings especially indoors, social distance at all possible times, and wear a face mask (including children 2 years of age and up) – especially where social distancing can be difficult.
Testing with Prompt MD this Monday and Tuesday still available
As shared on Friday, we are opening up a pop-up COVID-19 testing site at the 7th and Jackson gymnasium (605 Jackson Street) this Monday and Tuesday between 9 and 4 pm, thanks to our partnership with Prompt MD. Testing times are still available – you can sign up for a required appointment at Prompt MD has indicated they will be able to provide test results within 2-3 days after the completed test. We will be providing more information this week on signing up for a test for the following Monday and Tuesday at this site as well, which will help us alleviate the high demand at the Riverside site under the Viaduct.
For more information, please visit:Â
Grant program for small landlords and tenants.
On Friday, Governor Murphy announced a grant program for small property owners who have had decreases in revenue due to COVID-19. Property owners who receive this grant funding must provide it back to tenants by forgiving back rent and late fees due to COVID-19.
According to the Governor, qualified applicants must meet the following: