Meet Tony Lombardi, he is a Husband, Father, Son, Brother Friend.

Tony is in need of Kidney, he presently recieves regular dialysis treatments three times a week Monday, Tuesday, Friday 3-1/2 hours at a time, at DaVita Dialysis Center in middletown, New Jersey. The treatments helps his kidneys do their job & keeps him alive.
Tony needs a transplant, this will provide him with the ability to live longer, healthier and to live more of a normal life and will give him time to do what he loves & treasures the most spending time with his family and new granddaughter. However, finding a kidney is not easy. Just ask the thousands & thousands of people on the waiting list for a deceased kidney like Tony.
Time is not on Tony’s side, especially, if you are 70 years of age, you only have until 75 to get a deceased kidney. The average wait time is 7 to 8 years for a kidney from a deceased donor. Some wait for years, many die while waiting. However, there is another option receiving a kidney from a living donor. A living kidney donation will last longer and have better function. Some people are afraid about the surgery and what living with one kidney will mean for them. We have some basic information about kidney donation:
1. You only need one kidney to live a healthy long life.
2. Most donor surgery is done laparoscopically, meaning through tiny incisions.
3. The recuperation period is usually fairly quick, generally two weeks.
4. The cost of your evaluation and surgery will be covered by Tony’s insurance. The hospital can give you extensive information on this
.5. You will have a seperate team of healthcare professionals to evaluate you as a living donor. Their job is to help you understand the risks and benefits and look out for your best interests.You can learn more about living donation on the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) website: or by contacting the NKF’a free confidential helpline at 855.NKF CARES (855.653.2273) or [email protected] you want to talk to someone who already donated a kidney, NKF can help you.
Thank you for taking the time to read Tony’s story. If donating a kidney to Tony is something you would consider, Tony’s wife Delores would be happy to tell you more about Tony’s story and explore the process of determining if you are a match. Tony is listed with St. Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, NJ the Coordinator is Bridget 973.322.2603.
Tony is type A.
Tony was raised in Jersey City’s Marion Section, and worked for the City of Jersey City for many years. He has many friends in the Hudson County area and if any of you reading this who know Tony or his wife Delores please share this post to others to help him recieve the Kidney he needs.
For more information or to reach his wife Delores please visit