Is This Crazy or What…Did you know 100Years ago in July there was an extreme heatwave as we are experiencing today.
From the website:
16-year-old Helena Muffly wrote exactly 100 years ago today in Her diary :Â
Sunday, July 2, 1911: Almost roasted today. Went to Sunday school this afternoon. We had company this evening. One of Ruthie’s future pupil’s and parents.
Her middle-aged granddaughter’s comments 100 years later:
July 2, 1911 was an extremely hot day across the Eastern and Midwestern US. The New York Times reported that on July 2 in New York City it was:
 . . . the hottest day here in twelve years. Mercury up to 94.5, with 72 per cent. humidity, and next to no breeze.
The paper also reported that:
HARRISBURG, Penn, July 2—The temperature today reached 98.2, the hottest recorded since July 1, 1901, when 100 was the maximum. The intense heat caused much sickness.
New York Times (July 3, 1911)
Read Another 100 Year Old Heatwave Story-Source NY Times