Tag Archives: Duda Penteado

Mayor Steven M. Fulop joins the Office of Cultural Affairs and Department of Recreation and Youth Development alongside Jersey City artists and arts community to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the robust Jersey City Youth Mural Arts Program. 

JCYMAP is an extension of the Mural Arts Program (JCMAP) created by Mayor Fulop in 2013 to combat graffiti, engage the community, and beautify the city’s urban landscape into an outdoor art gallery.

To mark the 10-year milestone, a special event will feature the opening of a gallery art exhibition and premiere screening of the short documentary ARTISTS THAT INSPIRE FUTURE GENERATIONS, directed by artist Duda Penteado and produced by Unshakeable Productions. The documentary highlights the incredible work of the 2024 JCYMAP participants and their contributions to this year’s mural project. The celebration will take place on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at JC WALLS, located at 90 Forrest Street, Jersey City, NJ.

Art Views -A Look at Artist Duda Penteado

Call Him “The People’s Artist”art-views-page-4-aug-rvo-09
World Renown Jersey City Artist gives Back to the Community
The River View Observer first met artist Duda Penteado 10 years ago when he was involved with opening the now established Hope Center Arts Academy of Jersey City.
What was evident while interviewing him back then was his unwavering commitment to that project, and how he felt it would benefit the community.
Throughout his career this talented, and gifted artist has never lost sight of that belief; that art, benefits the community.
    For over a decade Duda Penteado has done extensive community
work utilizing the arts, both in the New York Metro Area, and abroad, and that is why there are many who feel Penteado should be called “The People’s Artist”.

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