Tag Archives: Downtown Jersey City restaurant

The Brightside Tavern in Jersey City – Where Everybody knows your Name

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Try the Brightside Tavern in Jersey City for Food, Drink, Fun

By Sally Deering

The Brightside Tavern “Where everyone knows your name”

When Tom Parisi opened a little Gelato shop on York Street in Jersey City more than a year ago, he named it “Tommy Two Scoops” and the name stuck like a maraschino cherry on an ice cream sundae.  An entrepreneur at heart, Tommy Two Scoops is his best salesman (he spent more than 20 years selling carpet), talking with neighbors outside his shop, kissing babies and petting puppies that venture into his “dog friendly” shop, which also serves sandwiches, wraps and other light delights.


Less than two months ago, Tommy Two Scoops – who is also known to burst into song with a  fine imitation of Louis Armstrong, added a new restaurant to his repertoire, the Brightside Tavern located on the corner of Bright and Monmouth Streets (across from the Jersey City Medical Center and adjacent to the Pathmark on Grand Street).  And just like he did with his Gelato shop on York Street, Tommy Two Scoops has enhanced the Bright Street neighborhood with a new and exciting bistro that serves delicious food.

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Octoberfest Held for 5th Year at Bar Majestic in Downtown Jersey City

Across from Jersey City’s City Hall a little Octoberfest Om-pa -pa got underway on Friday October 8th, when the trendy restaurant Bar Majestic held its 5th Annual  Octoberfest Celebration. On hand for the festivities was master of ceremonies  Real Estate Developer and partner of Bar Majestic; Paul Silverman, a few members of the Jersey City Council,  The Octoberfest Girls and many people enjoying the wonderful food, music,  beer and other libations.

The OctoberFest Girls smile in front of a vintage Jersey City Fire Engine Parked in Front of Jersey City's City Hall on Grove Street

Our River View Observer photographer Newsboi was there and snapped these photo’s…


On Hand for the festivities Council persons Mike Saldano, Willie Flood, Pete Brennan and Bill Gaughran.



Real Estate Developer Paul Silverman talks to the crowd about the Octoberfest schedule for the evening.

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