Tag Archives: Doo Wop Acappella

Party of Five Acappella Doo Wop Group to appear at Bayonne Bergen Point Fall Festival October 15th

Party of Five
Party of Five
Front Jack Sepede,
Joe Pupino, Joe Calamito, Jerry Lanzerotti, Bob Goetz












Party of Five a Acappella Doo Wop Vocal Group will appear at the Bergen Point Fall Festival the annual community Festival will feature Music Entertainment, Great Food, Inflatable rides, Caricaturist, Sand Art, Face Painting and more.

The Windwill Alliance will also host the following events: Basketball Throw in front of Highways Store, Pumpkin Painting on the Trinity Parish Lawn, The Windmill Center Bake Sale, Basket Raffles.

There will be a Dog Costume Contest at 12 noon

If You Go

October 15

Broadway from 5th street to Cottage Street in Bayonne

12 Noon-6 PM

For more information  call the Bayonne UEZ Office  201-858-6357



EAT, PRAY, LOVE…  La Festa Italiana 2016 promises Fun, Dancing and Great Food


Holy Rosary Church celebrates 113th Italian Festival in Downtown JC

A day at La Festa







By Sally Deering

August nights are a time to celebrate when La Festa Italiana, the Old World Italian Street Festival hosted by Holy Rosary Church turns Historic Downtown Jersey City into five summer nights of music, dancing, food and fun!

La Festa Italiana 2016 begins Wed, Aug. 10, and continues through Sun, Aug. 14, on Sixth & Brunswick Streets. On these five summer nights, the neighborhood surrounding Holy Rosary Church will come alive with rocking dance music, games of chance, kids’ activities, and a wide-array of delicious foods and libations. La Festa Italiana runs from 5 pm-11 pm Wednesday-to-Friday, and 3 pm-11 pm Saturday & Sunday. The last night (Sunday) at 11 pm, the “Super 50/50” Raffle winner will be chosen. Last year’s ticket-holder won over $10,200.

Zeppoles La Festa Italiana honors the veneration of Maria SS. Dell’Assunta & San Rocco, and offers the Downtown community the opportunity to party with its neighbors. This year’s La Festa Italiana features live bands, fun for the kids, food and souvenir vendors and Italian delicacies made by Holy Rosary Church parishioners like Fresh Hot Zeppoles, lemony Limoncello and “Our Famous Rice Balls”. Continue reading EAT, PRAY, LOVE…  La Festa Italiana 2016 promises Fun, Dancing and Great Food