Tag Archives: Cat Catherine

MARCH PROJECT GREENVILLE -A weekend of Art & Music in Greenville

March Project Greenville

March Project Greenville welcomes you INside the 1895 Greenville house we call home and share with the community at 128 Winfield Avenue (between Ocean Avenue and Old Bergen Road).  Join us in the parlor Friday, Saturday & Sunday March 3rd, 4th and 5th from 4pm-7pm each day for art, photography, live music and light refreshments. Sofia Oro performs Friday at 5:30pm & Saturday at 5pm…Followed by the Sensational Country Blues Wonders at 5:40pm on Saturday! Featuring work by: 
Chris Capaci
Cat Catherine
Eric Christopher & Lucy Rovetto 
Joe Zappa Costa
Jerry Garriga
Amanda Khan
Jim Legge
Jo Ann Neal
Rich Roberts
Athena Toledo
and Zoraida Velez 

Call, text or email 646-361-1858 or [email protected]m for more information, directions etc. or check out the Project Greenville Facebook page for further details..

Here are those Facebook links:
Unofficial after-party meet up spot, Park Tavern for live music organized by the good folks of a Westside Story, bringing more art & music to Westside Avenue 🙂