Tag Archives: blue collar workers

BLUE COLLAR BROADWAY: The Craft and Industry of American Theater

 NJCU Professor Pens Book on Broadway’s Unsung Artisans

 By Sally Deering

Blue Collar Broadway  When some folks see Broadway’s Theater District for the first time they ooh, ah and buy tickets to the show they’re dying to see. When Timothy White, Ph.D., an assistant professor of history at New Jersey City University first saw Broadway, he not only bought tickets, he began researching its glorious history.


Dr. Whte author of Blue Collar Broadway
Dr. Timothy R. White Author

Dr. White’s curiosity centered on the artists behind the scenes, the nameless crafts men-and-women who sewed the costumes, built the scenery and provided the lights needed to spotlight all those chorus girls in musical showstoppers. White’s curiosity led him to the Library of Performing Arts to write his dissertation for his Columbia University Ph.D. and the result is his first published book BLUE COLLAR BROADWAY: The Craft and Industry of American Theater (pub: University of Pennsylvania Press) now on the shelves of Barnes & Noble and online at Amazon.com.

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