Before an audience of more than 250 people in the City Council Chambers on Sunday, July 1, Mayor Jimmy Davis and Bayonne’s five City Council Members took their oaths of office for new terms in municipal government. The event featured remarks by Governor Phil Murphy, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, Hudson County Freeholder Kenneth Kopacz, and former City Council President Joseph Makowski. There were also prayers and reflections by Coptic Orthodox Vice Pope and Bishop David, Pastor Dorothy Patterson of the Wallace Temple AME Zion Church, and Father John Fencik of St. Mary’s Orthodox Church. The City’s Chief Financial Officer and former Mayor Terrence Malloy served as master of ceremonies.
Originally scheduled to be held outdoors, the inaugural ceremony was moved to the Council chambers, due to the severe heat. Continue reading Bayonne’s Mayor Davis and City Council Sworn in for Second Terms