- Bayonne Town Center Pumpkin Contest Winners
On Monday, October 31st, the Bayonne Town Center held its Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Our winners were Aidan Zieniuk, Kaitlyn Arroyo, and Cody Lindquist! Children ages 3-12 were able to show off their artistic talent by submitting their pumpkins at the Bayonne Town Center office at 8 East 22nd Street from October 14th through October 29th. These pumpkin masterpieces were displayed in the front window for passersby to admire during the Halloween season. Pumpkin designs ranged from haunted houses, to farm animals, to spiders, to the Statue of Liberty!  The BTC  received 31 pumpkins this year!
Bayonne Town Center Executive Director Mary Divock said “They were all wonderfully decorated and we would like to thank all the kids that entered!”
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