The 4th  Annual Powerhouse Arts Festival
 11:00am to 6:00pm.
The annual Powerhouse Arts District Neighborhood Association’s barbeque and crafts fair will have all the fine arts, nifty crafts, music, cheap beer and block-partying good times of last year, this year PDNA is adding a bunch more vendor spaces and hopefully some live art this year.
PDNA is seeking VOLUNTEERS for the day of the event. They will need people to help with set up, grill-manning (or woman-ing), beer pouring, etc. There will be free food and drink for all who volunteer, plus that special warm and fuzzy feeling that comes with contributing to a good cause. For more information or to sign up, email Jessica.
The festival is also a fundraiser for the Association. Much of our operating income for the year comes from the Fest – so tell your friends and come eat, drink, and be merry in service of the neighborhood.