Mayor Steven M. Fulop, a U.S. Marine Veteran, will help kick off the Veterans Justice Initiative, a collaboration between the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services and the Hersey City
Municipal Court that will aim to more directly connect the City’s military service members to social services. The Initiative will offer veteran specific services to Jersey City’s veterans and seeks to expand the City’s Veteran Services
Unit, by reaching more veterans at the centrally located Courthouse. Service providers will be available for housing, health, education and employment on a regular, monthly basis for the veteran community to access.
Friday, November 2,
2018, 10 a.m.
Jersey City Municipal Court
365 Summit Ave
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Mayor Steven M. Fulop Jake Hudnut, Chief Prosecutor, City of Jersey City
Stacey Flanigan
Director of Health & Human Services, City of Jersey City