Police Chief Ken Ferrante, Mayor Ravi Bhalla, and the City of Hoboken invite all members of the community to attend a swearing-in ceremony for six new Police Officers. The ceremony will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 12:00pm in the Court Room at Hoboken City Hall, 94 Washington Street.
Christopher Barral, Daniel Barron, Jonathan Figueroa, Daniel Grossi, Marc Lombardi, and Francis Mc Court recently completed 6 months of training and graduated from the Police Academy
Historic Preservation community meeting
Hoboken residents are invited to a community meeting on Thursday, December 13 at 7:00 pm at City Hall (94 Washington Street, lower level conference room) to discuss the Hoboken Historic District Intensive-Level Architectural Survey being conducted by the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office (NJ HPO) with support from the Hoboken Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). The survey is an in-depth review of 1,600 properties located in the State designated National Register-eligible (NR-eligible) historic district.
The purpose of this survey is to document properties associated with the NR-eligible historic district as part of a comprehensive assessment to promote a more holistic understanding of the district within its urban context and support informed decision-making for land use, zoning, and historic designation by the local government. The survey was initiated in October and completed on November 19th. During that time, AECOM architectural historians documented and photographed nearly 1,600 properties and assessed whether or not the properties contribute to the NR-eligible historic district.
The project utilizes United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding. A better understanding of the historic resources that make up the historic district, and a better understanding of the district’s current boundaries, will enhance the abilities of the HPC and NJ HPO to prepare for, and recover from, future storm events.
AECOM architectural historians contracted by the State of New Jersey will present the survey progress and address the integration of resiliency planning into modern preservation assessments. Community input is welcomed.
Attendees are asked to use the side entrance on Newark Street.