The following work is scheduled over the next three weeks:
Toll Plaza
East side (entering 14A): renovation of existing Toll Utility Building continues.
A new traffic pattern has been implemented on the new Connector Bridge that provides two travel lanes in each direction. Please CLICK HERE for more information.
Ramps between the Toll Plaza and the Hudson County Extension (HCE)
No work planned.
Avenue E / Proposed Roundabout
New roadway construction continues on the west side and east side of Avenue E, from 52nd Street to 51st Street.
Connector Bridge (Bridge from the Toll Plaza to Port Jersey Boulevard)
Pedestrian usage of the bridge for access to and from Port Jersey Boulevard continues to be prohibited.
Route 440 and Pulaski Street Intersection / Jughandle
Continue traffic signal construction on Route 440.
Ramp Area East of Route 440
Continue roadway widening work on Port Jersey Boulevard.
If you have any questions about the 14A Improvement Project, please call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-671-6872, or email [email protected]