Bayonne’s Mayor James Davis Honors Austin Wright Sr. with Veteran of the Year Award

On May 24th, 2018, Bayonne, New Jersey’s Mayor, James Davis, honored Mr. Austin Wright Sr. with “The Bayonne Veteran of the Year Award.” Prior to the Luncheon, we prayed for our “God and Country.” We Remembered our past and present Veteran Heroes with a Mass at Holy Name Cemetery in Jersey City, New Jersey, for our departed loved ones before the Veterans of the Year Awards Luncheon.


Major James Davis stated: “I was happy to nominate Austin Wright Sr. for this year’s Veteran of the Year Award!” I was Honored to be selected as ” Veteran of the Year ” for the City of Bayonne. “Austin, thank you for your service and for all you do for our community!” #BayonneStrong #BayonnesVeteranOfTheYear

Veteran of the year


Left to right: USAF Veteran Austin Wright Sr. holding his “Veteran of The Year Award,” and Mayor James Davis.


“First, I want to give praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Mayor Davis, The City of Bayonne, The Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Veteran Heroes, and Thomas A. DeGise, the County Executive of the County of Hudson County, State of New Jersey. It’s not about me, it’s about all who served. Also, I would like to Remember Bayonne’s “Medal of Honor ” recipient Lt. Steven R. Gregg and VFW Post 226 Quarter Master the late Howard Plunkett. I can’t forget to thank my personal hero and cheerleader, my mother, the late Mary Wright.”



Veteran of the year

Photo from left to right, Austin Wright Sr., ” Veteran of the Year ” and his Brother in Arms, the Joyce Herbert Post 226 Commander, Glen J. Flora.

To conclude his speech, Mr. Wright left us with a powerful message:

“What does it really mean to be free? Under what circumstances will you fight for you country’s freedom? Do we “Aim High” yes! we try, because that was what the USAF taught me. In fact, a renowned Hebrew philosopher, Hillel once said, “If not me, who? If not now, when?” So strive to be better than before.

For Decades, The Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders have done a tremendous job helping Veterans. They pay respect and tribute to American heroes who lead by example as well and approves monies for Veteran programs

Many of our U.S. Veterans, stand for ensuring the safety of our country’s freedom. We are far from perfect, but we have good intentions. I am a former US Air Force Sergeant, a philanthropist that gives back by choice. I only wish the best for All. “Love thy Neighbor, my sisters and brothers.”

Wright believes, “The Fate of America depends upon the Mindset and the education of our youth so that they can lead and maximize their God given potential.”